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Showing posts from September, 2018

my house got puted on frire !!!!!

OMG HELP MY HOUSE FIRE kk i spilled my orang juice now the fire gone lol anyways guys welcolm back to the blog !!! how has your day been? k i dont care anyways your boi was doing science wif my brand new lab coat but then one of the birds exploded for the 14th time so now my lab coat is red :((( anywyas im big cnofusion about my new neighbor. im too lazy to remember his name so lets call him ROBOT. i think ROBOT might be a robot reasons: he looks ugly he says "im a robot you loser" alot he tried to kill me my house got setted on fire by him yeet so in clonclusion he is probabbabbly a robot lol so your boy deccided to check for himself. i went over to ROBOT and asked r u robot - me yeet- ROBOT is that a yes- me he then proceeded to shoot me. i use my yeet powers to undo the bullet and instead shoot him via yeet powers. i obtained yeet powers by using parakeet blood in satanic rituals  uh christian values dont say god he sees you when your sleeping he kn

Science results + how to milk pidgeons

What is up gois todae i'm gonna lern u a thin or 2 ab som of the stuff i laerned  from studying on beluger wahales. They look like dolphins They smell like dolphins They are basically fat ugly stupid dolpins I don't like belugers Anyways through sceienc i turned a parakeet into a parrot adn then into a pidgeon so all in all good experiment. I threw the belugers into the ocean so they will prob be fine. They have my number if they need anything but i'm not gonna respond lol So once i got these pidgeons i decided i needed to do sometihing with them. I went on my laptop and glooged Can you milk a pidgon? I got many seach results. In clonclusion, yes, you, can,milk,them. So i yeet my kenife into the pidgeon and got out those nice bird juices I have to say it goes well with baby parakeet pancakes sometimes ok most of the times ok every times the pidgons die but natural selection they shouldnt have died lol anyways goios brazil is real bo

Im Einstein now + how to kidnap fish

You boi was flyin and i was liek wow this ez - me then like the hecker militerary tried to shoot me down so you already know i opened the door to the playne 20,000 feet in hte air and yeet some of my brids at the planes and those bois fell down lol so i finally got to brazil like 3 minutes latr and i yeet that boi mroe commonly known as a boeing 747 into the forest but it no fire bc i said so so now that im inn brazil i build a small house to stay in for the time being, modeled almoost excalty like the one in the pic below so your boi had to think what i would do now that jared is dead and that ill prob never see janet again. what i do know? thats right, scyence so your boi needed some subjects to test on. first i thought brids. but then i remembered, i need to eat my brids. so i decided on fish ^this is the aquarium we will be kidnapin from so we will need some tools a weapon to take out the guards

Interrogating Jared + Im moving + im amelia earhart now

so some of you may be asking, how did mi art karer go? teribly. all my painting got blod on them after i yeeted jared at a wall. aslo hes a rob0t. so your boi was interrigating him after seperating his troso from his leygs and may i jus say his sixpack is nic anywasys your boi was axing him the important questions while aslo getting good exerxise by hitting his dismembred legs with an ax "wtf r u doing" - me "ERROR, MISSION COMPROMISED" - loser more commonli known as jared "are you alien?????" - me "wtf no im a robot you idiot" - wise guy mor commnly known as jared "lie" - me "dude i stopped having errors to correct you, that isnt blood thats gasoline" - edgelord who probab using that gasolin as inhalent mroreere comonmliy known as jared KIDS DON DO DRUGS IT MAKE ALIEN COME FOR U "finna yeet on you if you don tell me what u doin in my house" - me "i didnt even com in here this time you cut me in


right  so your boy has learned that more people wanted me to get that real sick taser so your boy got it and threw it threw her windwo. was real cool. also yeeted some birds into her hous but thas besides the point so your boy was yeeting on some birds cause i was kinda hunger but then jared knocked on my door and that boy tryna steal my pics so i got my stainless steel chainsaw and yeet my door down. before that boi could talk i seperated that bois head from his body. was real when his head went fwoosh and hit a gramma. grab those eyes faster than i grab my brids trying to excape. He was like "OWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWWOWOWOWPOWO" and then in conclusion i think he is either 1. a robot. 2. an alien so im finna try and juice him and find out. you will know the truth in the next post oh no one of my birds is trying to escape ok so that bird is in my mouth and is trying to bite me i might need to rip its wings off anyways i decided i needed a new hobby so i picked up a drawing

Update + Storytime

right so your boi gut some new informaton for u gois 1. ur boi got a new computer her it is 2. your boi learned how to us lonks properly 3. i got fired from my job as a elevator mechanic because i made the elevators go really fast and someone died so i will b postin m0re So you boi was  at my local petstore checking out those  birds cause i was real hungry and som grandma attempted to ineract wif me so you already know i yeet that gramda so hard i knocked a plane of the sky and her eyes fell out. so your boi caught those eyeballs andd dashed back home. jared was tryna brea into my house (agen) so i popped his kneecaps n carried on wif my day. I juiced a few onions but then i remembered that janets birfday was in a few weaks !!!11!!11 so you already know i had to get her somethni becaus she has been a real big help evin if she is working with those evil space alien overlords i was thinkin i should get her a new blender for her bc her old one got yeeted on (by me) while pu

Juicing your onions

Right so ur boi had to wait like 4 weeks for janet to come so that i could use her computer to upload my next post since she broke my computer by "accident" thou fro real im sur shes in cahoots with the aliens but she lets me use her computa so like lets get roiiight into the post hey normies today im finna learn you gois a thing or two about a family traditin of mine: Juicing onions right so u ar  gonna needa take ur onion juicer preferably one like this one is pretty good for the price ur boi aalso recommends goggles for the normies scared of onions those heckers are weak lol what do you mean you have to go? Janet come on!  i gotta inform the masses about the onions! right sorry janet had to go to her "real job" at some window tinting company useless i swearz