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Science results + how to milk pidgeons

What is up gois todae i'm gonna lern u a thin or 2 ab som of the stuff i laerned  from studying on beluger wahales.

  1. They look like dolphins
  2. They smell like dolphins
  3. They are basically fat ugly stupid dolpins
  4. I don't like belugers

Anyways through sceienc i turned a parakeet into a parrot adn then into a pidgeon so all in all good experiment. I threw the belugers into the ocean so they will prob be fine. They have my number if they need anything but i'm not gonna respond lol

So once i got these pidgeons i decided i needed to do sometihing with them. I went on my laptop and glooged

Can you milk a pidgon?

I got many seach results. In clonclusion, yes, you, can,milk,them.

So i yeet my kenife into the pidgeon and got out those nice bird juices

I have to say it goes well with baby parakeet pancakes

sometimes ok most of the times ok every times the pidgons die but natural selection they shouldnt have died lol

anyways goios brazil is real boring theeres nothin here. i tried to find the hulk but i think purpl man killed him before i could eperixment on him :(

so what i do now? well i talk to my neighbor of course! this person just moved in next to me. i don now why someone would try to live nex to me in the amazon rain forest they have a really long name
its Ivan Ayrn-Merle Ann Raine-Owen-Billy-Oliver Trent

he has like 3 middle names lol

he fell into a puddle and started smoking so something tells me he has bad lungs i got a pic of him ill show u guys later 

anyways through my research i have learned something new!

killing an animal hurts them! did you know that? i found out by measurin the brain waveys of a parakeet as i smashed its bones with a mallet. turns out it hurts so i might do it a little less.

i miss janet. she let me use her compuder and it was the way i started this blog. now shes probably dead after i blew up her house. rip natural selection XD

i know this post was kinda short and im sorry for that but i need to get a lab coat. so much blood has gotten on my clothes lol



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