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New year, new me!

Hey guys! It is your boy, Onion Juice, and today I will be talking about a few of my new year's traditions, as well as my resolutions.

This year, I have a few things I would like to accomplish.

- Check my grammar before posting to my oh-so-glorious blog.

- Get rid of my girlfriend

- Be friends with Shawp again.

- Find my father  Get rid of my girlfriend.

- Get rid of my girlfriend

Is that everything

Every new years, I spend the night by myself on a hill. However, My girlfriend is incapable of leaving me, so I spent it with her. I love to enjoy the silence when the clock strikes 12, yet I had to hear her ear piercing screech that just NEVER STOPS IT NEVER STOPSS IT NEV ER STOIPS PLEASSE JUSETE FU

Don't know what came over me anyways if you haven notised yet i got away from the skeleton. Turns out that skeletons are incapable of feeling emotion and all i had to do was make out wif it in ordeer to best it within combat. instantly vaporised. wish the same happened to her

who is her y ou may ask!?

well, if you hav forgettin, i had a girlfren. wwell, apparently she hads decided to #return? like i know very waky but i did not consent how ever she did not seem to care as she is now standing on my spine. i think it maty be craking but that is ok who n eeds a spine am i right guys lmao!

anyways, today im going to teach you about the history of new years. the first new year happenedo n the second year, when t was a new year, because there couldnt have been a new year on the first year because it wasnt invented yet. it was invented by thomas h new year, who goes by "onion juice" for short, or actually just goes by onion juice because thomas h new year isnt a real person and that was a lie. you see, i've come to learn about lying. many a people have told me: onion juise, how many times have you lied in your posts?

thruth is, ive never lyed in my entiire life. you see, lying just isn in my nature. you know what is???


so on the new year i waas like we should celebrate new years. then adam was like wtf no thats stupid and then eve was dead so she couldnt respond but then god was like yo straight up ngl thats a solid plan here is a pet cat which is on fire to be your friend and i was like, yo! thats hype homie!!!!

and thats how i got a cat for inventing new years. speaking of new. this is a new post. speaking of new. there is a new wound on my back. owchie.

please get off my back miss. this hurts.

she isnt responding.

wait amin

i feel nothin guys ngl straight up 100% scared rn whats happ


my spine

it appears she has broken

anyways happy new years guys!!

janetwhat do you mean its june

jared what are you doing here


d wait i tought i kiled you

how did you gt

oh no

guys, it appears im straight up 100% under ATTACK right now. cia plant in the building. i am asking of my students to head to these coordinates
40.3399° N, 127.5101° E
 and paradrop me some suppplies guys we cant let the CIA stop me from sharing informatinob
anwyays guys the history of the world sequal coming out soon stay tuned or dont just kidding that was a lie you better stay tuned because i am going to be doing daily uploads

yeah you heard that rigt, DAILYUPLOADS IS OCCUR

1) tutorial
2) histry
3) classic storyes
4) even more tutoiral!

i dont even joke when i say this... but history of the world, its comin back. and its going to come back a strong as ever. tell tyour friends. tell your family. tell your families friends. tell yours friends families. you know.

anyyways remember hwo i vaporiszed that skeleton lmao i got a pic with it before it died tho


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