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Im Einstein now + how to kidnap fish

You boi was flyin and i was liek
wow this ez - me
then like the hecker militerary tried to shoot me down so you already know i opened the door to the playne 20,000 feet in hte air and yeet some of my brids at the planes and those bois fell down lol

so i finally got to brazil like 3 minutes latr and i yeet that boi mroe commonly known as a boeing 747 into the forest but it no fire bc i said so

so now that im inn brazil i build a small house to stay in for the time being, modeled almoost excalty like the one in the pic below

so your boi had to think what i would do now that jared is dead and that ill prob never see janet again. what i do know? thats right, scyence

so your boi needed some subjects to test on. first i thought brids. but then i remembered, i need to eat my brids. so i decided on fish
^this is the aquarium we will be kidnapin from

so we will need some tools

a weapon to take out the guards and also the children. my weapon of choice is this

i use this basically every day to assault local wildlife for the 0 deys ive ben here

next, your goin to ned a metod of escape. i prefer to steel a car, but if yuor trying to abide by the law you could use a hoverboard like this one

if you buy these it comes with backups incase you break one lol

so you got to break into the aquarium by posing as leonardo di caprio when in reality your name is steve. my names not steve its onion juic but you get the point

so your boy got in ez by posing as leonardo dicrapiface and got in with my weapon. i find a fishtank with fish labeled "beluger whales" and i yeet the weapon onto the floor. my weapons flew out and were like "SUP FAM RHEEEE" the bird in my pocket got exited so i punched it

i said to beluger whale
get in my pocket xd - me
lol ok - beluger
but somtimes the whale be like
wtf no - heckboi wale
then you gotta yeet that boi in the eyes until you have estableshed dominant over wahale ::)
eitgher way, you will now hav fish to do sciencekenece expceriments on !!!!1111!!11!11!!!!!

and thats how u kidnap fish lol

then you do /tp (your name) (coordinateys of your house) and then boom
if you dont have god powers you will prob have to use the hoverboard to escape
now i need to buy new laydy bugs

anyways drug = bad peta = bad evil space aleins try na kikll you after findin out there secret = bad but throwin bird? = yes

drive safe don do drug no say bad bad wordie and remember to like and subscribe to infowars
dont let this distract you from the fact that toads are, in fact, frogs.

parakeet more like parayeet


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