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how to cook awsome sauce

 hey guy 

welcom backk

its me. onino juice. onion. onion jiu FU#EHFCEDw onino juice (F$YIDE( #RU*F () onon EUFOGI#EFHU*HIO#EJFIO onion      juice,

   yea;; sorry guys I foudn this website caldled pleroma and accidentally got involved in multiple crime organizations many of which involved illegally posting pictures of herbert in preschools and unfortunately i ran out of printer ink and had to leave but on my way to the stroe to buy mor e   printer ink i foind a pink ractangle and it     was my onion phhone


I lost it in the past back in 09+20 so 209 so 2029 ( see my future mathmatic psot for future understanind9nig of the past) and luckily i have retrieved it, it was on the floor

I do not look at the floor for it acts as a reminder of my    state of being, the feeling of futility overwhelms me when I gaze upon what a mess of my life I have made

but i looked at a floor and found my  phone so it ok and i looked and NO BLOG?!?!!? i was on pleroma too liogn...  you guys are probably uneducated now. #bruh

I will change this   .first homework for  nmuy studentz

reread every single previous post except the 4th one and then read the 4th ojne

ok that is due by next post anyways today i

 will talk a little about some previous posts while also cooking some awsome sauce you will need to pay attention or the sauce will come alive and do your mom (bad)


1) flower

you need some rice flower in your bowl the bowl is big if it is small you will have small sauce #embrasasssing ok anyways, you need some flower in your bowl. this is badceause the flower makes the bowl really messy. now you have to clean it up because there is no flower in the recipe. I have tricked you. speaking of tricks, I once     made a post about how to trick yoru neighbors into thinking your were evil so that they would atrempt to destroy you aND IN THE meantime you could steal their salt .it was devius but It was deleted as i realized thee chance of death is too high. i care about   the safeety of you guys... speaking of safety I am not safe. if you read my posts, and think 


I want to be oj bf or gf

then i  am sorry but unfortunatley i have a girlfrien , and i say unfortunateyl because she is very mean. she stttttttabs me with forks #what? she returwed   last yeatr and i dont remember if i got rid of her but if i did i accidently retconnend it and shes back. WOOPS

ok anyways next step

2) water

this is to wash out the flower. anywash I wrote a post about the ocean nd fishing and how i faught the king of the sees. he was big and scazy but i defeated him with the powr of love. in that i kissing him on the lips and he poopped like a baloon L RIP he a glowie fr 


3) ichor

the main ingrediant, ichor, the blood of the gods. I'ts retrieved from the dimension of the mind, or harvested from its leeches whom exist to carry out the w ill bestowed upon them by their creator. i chose the latter and put a straw into a homeless man who had the will to turn coins into #2 HB pencils and then drank some of his ichor w hich i regurgiated in the bowl. speaking of regurgitation this one time i regurgitated a bunch of milk into a pigs mouth and now it thinks i am its mother. his name is steven

Ok thats it. I finished the post. Bel ow is a picture of   Steven. and me because I love my son



  1. hi i also reguritated into a pigs mouth!!!! it was a GREAT experience <3 uwu (it was ur mom) haha


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