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dentists are sinners!


i kinda just dont eat like ever so teeth dont rlly matter to me i kinda just eminate energy so i dont sleep or consume anything so like the idea of going to a dentist is kindssa like cring to me. but then my bruh CIA agent wa lik **bruv its been 6 monfs go to dentis**** and i was like no and then he shot me so i was like lmao fine


and here i am. dentis ofic. im not scared. being scared is for scardy cats. im a human person. so i pull up like

bruv chek my teefs

and then i get put on some sort of foldy chair. pretty lit so far. THEN HE STRAIGHT UP PULLS OUT A 12 INCH DAGGER AND SHOVES IT INTO MY MOUTH AND IM LIKE


and then its done

amywayz i was kinda wonderin, mayb teef are real? so i looked in mirror

n there it was


i wass confusin. this mirror, but i am seein a skelton. AM I SKELTON??

only 2 options

1) mirror broke

2) i can xray

i made sure to check my resourse packs, but there is no xray on so my mirror must be broke.

that is when

the worrst occur


so now i panickbecause i di d not know what to do. i waas at the denis for like 6 months an now there are skeletons in my room? my ferret was at the dry cleeners so fighting was out of the pictyure. i needed to devise a plan to eleminate the skelettoon.

so i escape d.

 now, one might calll me a wuss becuse i ran from some skeleton. but trus me. i was not running away.

ok i was definetely running away but that is not THE POINT! i was pryoritizin my survival. ive been on this planet for was lik 11 years and im not going to let  some idot skeleton get in my way.

now that i am runin, i decided to get somethinking in. when your at the dentist, you cant really think about anything ecept the knife in your mouth. so here is what i think'd about

Q) what will happen now that i am no longer educatin the masses?
A) they will probbly become stupid. they will not have the skills i have learned over the course of my long 20 somethin year life. they will probably die like janet lmao

Q) who will upload to my channel
A) IDK i havent uploaded in like 6 months i dont know where those other videos came from

Q) how is my life now that rango theroy has bbeen made?
A) that was mor or less my peak as a educator. You all know the truth. never trust a suited man in the fores. he is rango.

Q) when will you go on tour
A) when peta unbloks me

Q) will you ever make more videos
A) mayb but probablie not. seein as there is a skelton.

now is when i turned around to see the skel3ton is STILLTHERE!!!!#$*U!@#*$hugfrcehwjkl

how does one stop a skeleton.

i had to think outcide the bocks.

how does one defeat BONES?

calcium defisiencee? must i rattle em with some music? I did not have any misterious music on hand. my mixtaype was at home. perhaps i should lead em back.

then it hit me.


i shall melt him. so i went into my pocket and pulled out my five galon bucket of lava. and threw it.

he caught it.

he caught the bucket

now they are running

i must chase

get my lava.


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