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right today your boy has a # BRUH moment to share. this ones quite fast paced compared to the last post

right your boy was taking his #dog for a #walk when out of the blue the sun rised. i was like BRUH, its only 4am, where am? the moon?

thats when i realized i was on the moon. i was all like "HoLY MacKerEl Batmen" (((yess i learned how cuotaton marks work)))) ((ii also leasrned parenfeses)))

and then batman was like  ""BRUH, im tryna take a nap"""

and then the mellaril started to kick in

not even sure why i said BRUH there but thats besides the point the point is however that i wasnt on 
the moon anymore

or was i?

no i wasnt you loser anyways  i continued on wif my walk, as i had 19 more miles to go. then, i dropped my phone.


i was lucky as heck it didnt break, but when i went down to get it my dog was like

""BRUH, YEET!"""

and that boi dashed

so you already know i chokeslammed the space time continnum to teleport over to him. that boi isnt escaypig again!

after i teleported to him, i right clicked him with my lead and got that boi back under control

"bruh"  he said, prob cause he knew i was prob tryna cook his feet again tonight


bruh the suns coming out

my dogs a vampire so you already know i had to dash into the alleyway so he wouldnt burn alive. 

wait are dogs even real? oh yeah they def r my dog right there LOL


that's a bruh moment I forgot my dog was real

anyways now that we's in a alleyway I began to get scared because alot of poor people hang out around here so I pulled out my Glock incase someone tries to touch my dog. this one Time my dog touched my dog and i got confused because my dogs net worth was below 2 billion so I had to put him down

but then i realized wait thas my dog and then i had a dog funeral and let the poor people attend

but my current dog wasnt dead yet so after waiting for a few minutes the sun went away and we continued on wif the walk

it was beginin to get a lil cold out here so i put on a jacket, and my dawg put on a hat. bruh that hat was FIRE

no literally like he lit himself on fire


my mans on fire now!!!

this wasnt a gamer moment so u already know i went into 100% panic mode. what i do?

oh thats right put my dog out


right so while my dog was on fire i panicked and froze for a solid 6 hours so by the time i reacted he was already desceased. 

f in chat for my main man :(

k leave a comment or something video coming soon


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