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Showing posts from February, 2019

the ranch

hey game sers im finna learn you guys a think or two sabout layzer corp lzr corn bes corn, as it grows in the alfiield s over the east. i was born near a ferm of layza corn, but we moved to florida, where i used to live. i rescerched layzer cern once i had gotten old enough to read (13) ((i love psarenfesis) and i found out it was pretty  epic hold ok boys this post is petty important but im finnna take a nap cause ur boi big tired ~~~ Yer brother, Onyern Juuse here. I woke up in som sort of bird store, wif a bunch of dem dere feavers on the floor. I thought it was perdy strange, but that's just what life on de ranch has in store fer you. de ranch is one of my favorite plases, after all its ma kingdom. have i told you kids about the ranch? 'course i haven't. well, lemme tell ya. I called for my carriage, as I would ev'ry mornin i woke up here. I packed my bag, with ma tools. The carriage arrived finerly, an i hopped in. As always, there wer some traveler


BRUH BRUH BRUH right today your boy has a # BRUH moment to share. this ones quite fast paced compared to the last post right your boy was taking his #dog for a #walk when out of the blue the sun rised. i was like BRUH, its only 4am, where am? the moon? thats when i realized i was on the moon. i was all like "HoLY MacKerEl Batmen" (((yess i learned how cuotaton marks work)))) ((ii also leasrned parenfeses))) and then batman was like  ""BRUH, im tryna take a nap""" and then the mellaril started to kick in BRUH not even sure why i said BRUH there but thats besides the point the point is however that i wasnt on  the moon anymore or was i? no i wasnt you loser anyways  i continued on wif my walk, as i had 19 more miles to go. then, i dropped my phone. BBRUH i was lucky as heck it didnt break, but when i went down to get it my dog was like ""BRUH, YEET!""" and th

how to set a rat on fire

right so we finna just jum into this one #short and #sweet. i usually waste alot of time getting sipe traked so todat imm gonna get straigt to the point.  honoestly can i just say something real quic big thank for done did reading this. i done did work tres hard to bring information to you peiople. i balance 0 part time jobs, 0 full time jobs, 100's of birds and 0 friends on my nose in order to find time to teach the world. sometimes, its 0 birds cause i leave them all outside. i broke there wings they cant escape. the minutes upon minutes i spend on these posts are comparable to the amount of work it takes to email your boss about quitting after she smokes your pet lizard for the fourth time on a more important note, C sharp. ever heard it? its like the best note on any instrument. its been my wedding bells for years. speaking of bells, belle from that one movie about loving a dog man? can relate wait no i cant anyways, i say anyways alot. suggestions on better trans


ok fam you may now that my boi banana man is like my  bff after shawp atopped being friends with me (for reasons i may not talking aboaut odut) but in the past, he was my mortal enememy. after god gave birf to banana man, with the sole purposee of gamending me, i constructed a plan. ok well i contstructed a bunch of plans. this is the 5th time god tried to gamened me, and banana man was his strongest creation. at least, thats what wikipedia told me as i began to researsersch, i heard a kenock at my door. whomst coudklas that be? the popo? no, i paid them off this weak already. done did my taxes. my mom? nope, still in afganishan probably. dad? died on crimmas? cousin? died in a coal mine. other cousin? still in the hospital. step-dad? no also died on crimmas... i was beginning to run out of family memebers, so i turned to friends. having as many friends as i did, i referred to my list. 1. shawp  (mad at me) 2. steve from minecraf  (not real) 3. myself (just a mirror) 4. th