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how to ctrl-z satan!

right so your boi kina lowky los his computer but i finally robbed aother best buy so here we go



i finally undersand how punctuation works!

so i will be using it througout this educational post in order ford you to better understand the post,. did i just youse the word post twice in the same sentence? i need to work on my repetion next. LOL! am i hip eith the teens now??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

sorry if i seem a little off, i just deleted satan and god still hasnt given me a medal yet. I really want one. God, i know i might have sinned like 1... 2... several times, but that ain't important. i literally killed like the main villain from you're hit book. Whens the sequel coming out? i wanna be in it. Cant wait for bible 2. 

anyways, from now on, perfect punctuation. 1 step closer to a mddle school edcation.

anyways guys today i have a topic that is very important to me i feel as if we could all benefit from removing satan from our lives especcially if satan is your abusive girlfriend who looks strangely like post mental breakdown katy perry lol she didnt actually have a mental breakdown but i did 4 weeks into the marriage did i mention the marriage she forced me to marry her which gave me the idea

how do one ctrl z satan

well lemme tell you 

the plan revolves around everything she made me do at the wedding which once put into a specific order actually 
firs, you need more saiga antelopes

these are very important as you will want some friends as the procedure can get very lonely

next you will want to pick 100 flowers these flowers must all be from a different species as they will smell nice and will be fun to have during the procedure

third you will want to find an abandoned train because they look really cool and you can prob get some likes on instrewagram

foruth you finna want to get some onion juice incase you get thristy

finally you will need a glock 17 to shoot nazis

kk now that you have everything you will need to find a location for the ritual if it were up to me i would pick a nice shady spot, preferably close to the sun as you wanna make sur you are getting that vitamin d d is for Da sun

alright, so what we will be creating is a special potion this potion once drinken shouold help or in my case completely remove satantan from yior life

the first ingredient is thioridazine
Thioridazine is an antipsychotic medicine called a phenothiazine (FEEN-oh-THYE-a-zeen) It works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain

i did not steal that defineeaition XD

next i have a list of ingredients there are alot so i cannot say much about each but i will tell you where i got most of them 
acacia calcium sulfate dihydrate carnauba wax D&C Yellow #10 FD&C Blue #1 FD&C Yellow #6 gelatin lactose methylparaben povidone propylparaben sodium benzoate starch stearic acid sucrose synthetic black iron oxide talc titanium dioxide and other ingredients

i know "yellow #6" and "i really want rat poison" dont sounsd verey importan t but truast me they's are

you should buy me rat poison
i want to kill rats

anyways if you plan on geting rid of satan, one must aqarius all these indfterdients if you want to get em, o iwoll done did need to find your local healer wizard as thasts where i got thes  i lowkey held him at gunpoint for a minute as i thought he was a nazi but turns out he just likes red pens

oh hey mister banana man

again banana man!

silly man

right sorry banana man came by to tell me he was drawing on the road again silly goose always likes to disrupt traffic and run over short people anyways

once you have aqquiresesd the ingrepients you must piull out your magic wand i keep mine on the top shelf due to the incident of 1990


kk so put all your ingrepients in the bowl, and spin that boi for ~2 hours by this point your abusive girlfriend i mean satan will be stabbing you so painkillers are recommeded for this part

then once the ingrepients begin to glow, recite the incantation

"ooga booga you gives ma spooka" really loud like 4 times

then, the ingredients shall condense in the middle into a little box you know it works when the box says "Mellaril" on the front image posted below

and there you have it how to delte satan i hope you appreciated both my punctatuin and my thoughtful tutorial

sub for more tutorials


  1. "yeet"

    1. this is5hu754ykjnbe5tfdbgv5etrfgdbv5tgdvbc trgfdbvymn89canon


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