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am amelia arehart 2

hey kids welcome back to onion juice how bored are you

1- canadian
2- me
3- the 400 birds in cages
5- esports player
6- dinosaur

1 is most bored 2 is biggest bored

if you are on that spectrum go do something else this loser left his blog up go bully him

so this time i decided to build my own plane cause i ran out of ferrets fighting the us military

i have a sufficient supply of gamer juic so if you were wondering what we will be using as fuel, thas what ull be using.


ok so there are many options

human bones



i was tempted by the first option but then i realized, all the bird feathers lying around! so i decided to use them


usually i dont make a blueprint for stuff i build bc im a master builder so i dnt really need to. but i decided to this time because im not a proffesional aeroespace engengeer so i neeeded ot make sure i didnt make any mistakes. i posted my blueprint below bc i wante

what the hell do you want? Janet? cool dont care she'd dead to me

sorry anyways becuase i wanted to make sure you had an idea of what we were building.

she has a gun? thats cool bud, kick her out.

so like once you have your blueprint the plane, your going to want to hire some workers. personally, i like to hire tasmanian tigers because they really have a drive for work, and are cheap as frick

threatening my dog? jesus christ alright

sorry janet was secretly a government spy and i had to kill her real quick sorry ab that anyways i have 2 laptops now which is pretty epic since now my dog can make onion juice posts (dont trust him w/if my computer)

so if you see some normie wif bad inelgish its probably my dog. you wil probabbly be able to tell.
speaking of bad englsishhh


if you cant custr sentense proper then build plane idea BADDDDDD

so usually i use many tool for construction, from hammers to potaotes, but usually i don use potatoes cause they break real easy. ferrets r superior. read ferret comat so that you understand
speakin of roden, shawp's guimean poiigs bullied em again. i cant read stupid so i dont know what he said but i know it was mean. go bully him here

anways i usualy enlist some workers to boost the local ecomomy. i pay them like 40 dollars a minute so u already know they built my plane good. i stole the money form the presiden lol

btw the governmen prob coming for me so i will prob needa start a new blog

i am getting off topic so like usually i just make my paid workers buil the plane and i just sit back and watch. i suggest you do the same


ok so like if u cant pilot a plane, ur a loser. thats for another post imo so stay tuned. i neeeda finish history of world and how to be god is yes so that the public is informed and also know how to be god. that is the end of post, hope ou like and sub, sorry for not many pics recently but im lazy  working on something special :D


  1. use hair dryer to weld bones together cuz gum costs money


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