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Epic Gamer Rant + Moving soon!

right os like your boi was minding my own buisness hacking epic games to unblock me on facebook when i got a notification. one of my gamer bros i met on xbox messaged me that some loser had just made a blog and on the side he was bullying me. this means that he knows me. but i hid my identity. how did he find out my name!!!

hes a frickn loser and his guinea pigeas are ugly as frick. those dogs dont even move lol at least my dog moved while it was still alive

how could anyone like a guinea pigea? thos things are so dumb and arent anywhere near as cool as my dog.

this kid think he can call me mean names. little did he know, i have 3 friends on ro-

ok so maybe i dont have any roblox friends anymore but thats besides the point. this fricker will not survive this. i borrowed the nuclear launch codes and will be game-ending him momentarily

lol bye XD

to him atleast this blog ppost isnt over

so like the government ddef found me and there is no point in hiding so im going to just move to a different continent. the governemnt wont get me then bc they too lazy. i was on america this hole time so ill be moving to somewhere in east america. preferably the state of finland bc i heard they have nice fish soup

heheh finland

anyways i was out reading when i realized i couldn't read so i went to go talk to my dog. he didn't respond much but i think i grew as a person because of it.

i need a new dog.

so i decided to get myself a new dog. its the species "Cavia porcellus"
they are really cute. how could everyone not have one of these guys! already good at nazi basket ball

thats where you throw porcupines at pictures of hitler btw


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i will reply to your trash comments nwo by the wya so make sure to olesave some rdone below

  3. only intellectuals can understand this

  4. man that dog species is cute you should buy some and put little hats on them


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