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How to get friends (PRAT 2)


OMG CLICKBAITED!! i know that you only read my blog becaus eryou hhave nobody to talk to and to be honest i only write this because nobody talks to me but thats besides the point im in brazil anyways xddddDDDD so how has your day beem jk as you already knoe i coudldnt care less i have better things to deal with liek cryiong and molding ice cream out of the remains of cats. the cats taste good. they remind me of my friends, in that they are dead. xdddddd yeet!'

couple things
1. Beating chese wit a fereeret coming soon
1. yeet povvers coming soon
1. my social life coming soon never
2. yeet!
3. new url: bc the old one was hard to remember
4. new icon bc a heart is for pansies
hehehehe 7oh about that email she emailed me about burning her house down and i replied with your not god lolololol then sahe replied with
and i said
no and then i sent a bullet through my screen to break her window and scare her xdddddDDD

i used an xd alot because i wanna be hip with the teens after all im getting a little old. 22? more like 20 die xxDDDDDD


anyways the post hasnt even started yet today we ARe finnal learn houw to cook/ juice pizaz, fist, you needa get pizza. if you dont have pizza, make pizza. hwrew is an ingredients lest for bird pizza

cheese - pulverized bird feathers + dog fur
sause - bird blood (obs)
crust - usually i make my crust with wheat, yeast, flour, etc along with onion juice and dog eyes
pepperoni - bird wings
life - none

the self deprication is real LMAAOAOOAOA ROFFLFLL XDDDDDDDD


anywys once you have constructed you pizza then you will need to blend it. first, you need to get a blender. then you need a blender. then you need a dog.

first, you  take your dog. you feed it the pizza, then cut open its stomach and get it back. it adds a "yum yum delish delish" taste. YUM!

next, you taxe you blender. personally, this one is my favorite.

then you destroy it because crocs are stupid like me


I heard the kids like to use proper punctuation as well. So I decided to write this out with my eyes open, this way I can write properly. According to the kids I kidnapped (legally), All of them said they use proper punctuation to look more mature than they actually are. I let them go with some onion juice since I need to educate the kids. My dog was like, "Yeet my guy" and I was like XDDDDDD

following my 10 step program, i hid the bodies dont worry who the bodies were
then robot came buy and went "PINEAPPLE CREAM" before shooting me with a rifle
yikes my dude, he missed and shot my dog. but my dog shoots lasers so he survived. we went to go play basketball using the corpse of a porcupine, the body of a nazi being the net you already know i love to use cannons during a good old fasion game of bealll.

something is telling me we went off topic anyways once you have put your destroyed crocs blender into the blender you can then now put your pizza in there. then you takw the blender and put in in the back of your truck next to the handicapped cats and drive over speedbumps in a car with no suspension. the cats really add to that "yum yum delish taste"
I usually put the cats next to my pile of nazis. whoever keeps sending nazis to my house they are getting slaughtered and im running out of space

anyways once you have blended your pizza, DO NOT OPEN THE BLENDER!!! instead, put the blender in an easy bake oven. this lets the pizza really evolve into that majikarp it was destined to be. once you have done that, yeet that boy out a window cause blended pizza sounds disgusting


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