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ferret combat (PORT 3)

The art of fighting with a ferret is truly ae inspiring. one must practice both the combat and defensive forms of the use of such a formiddable weapon. the ferret has many pros and cons to its usgage.

male nazis
women nazis
nazis in general

jk those r the things you hit with a ferret


- ez to rob nazis with
- heckboi deflector
- coconut slapper
- cheese slapper
- ferret slapper
- child slapper (ONLY NAZI CHILDREN)
- potato cream
- yeet!



- ferret
- expensive
- need to feed it
- pokemon go to the polls

so lets get into usage

the number one usage is for beating cheese with a ferret for satanic rituals  fun. christian values!

guys dont forget to never break the law and always treat animals with respect. now lets get into illegally disrespecting feretrs

beating cheese is truly an art. it can work as a supplement to budgie liver, however imo its like comparing dust to air. as in they r basically the same thing

so your going to need a few supplies to care for your new weapon. heres a list

- knife
- water bottle
- house
- second house
- jake paul is a sociopath?
- onision sounds like onion lol
- food
- backup ferret
- ooh is that a porcupine

kk so after sitting on that porcupine i have come to a relevation. first, what the hell is that word is that even real? second ive really done some soul searching and ive come to find... oh wait im a redhead

wtf do you want robot im teaching the children

what do you mean you're going to kill me

kid i have a ferret



Robot is dead now anyways everyone, I'm going to now continue with the post. I'm still onion juice, I am not a different person. Don't question the truth before you question the safety of your kneecaps

anyways children dont forget if you ever find a phycopath animal abuser, report them to the government. we will send a heckboi robot to spy on them immediatley. wait did i say we oop


k i ran over robot that loser is def dead now but now that i know the only reason he was sent is becas someone reported me to roblox admins. this cant mean




anyways what were we talking about oh thats right, ferret fighitnt

after you klnow how to take care fo your feerrets you r going ot kneeed to now how to fight weith them. fist, hold it by the legs. back legs preffereable. then, in a swinging motion, yeet that boi upon your target. if your target survives impact, continue to yeet until your target has been defeaed. its really that simple. however, using birds as a ranged weapon at the same time can be really effective. i keep birds onmy person at all times in order to defend m yself from roblox admins xDDDDD

i know this whole post was pointless but so is your life anyways guys have a nice night and also NEVER HURT ANMALS!!!!!


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