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Facts about potatoes

what the frick is up guys its your boi onion juice back with another hit today we finna talk about potatoes

what the frick is a potato you may ask?

if you asked what a potato is please leave right now because intellectuals only PLS !!!

anyways gois a potato is a brown vege table meaning its a table made out of veggies.

finna post some pics down below you bes check that out if you wanna live  you wanna see some good content

anyways gois a potato is mostly composed of  your bois potassium vitamin c, fiber optic wifi, and starch

what do you mean its fiber? thats what i sai- you know what? your fired janet. thasa buncha nonsense

anyways she was dragging this informational post down with her "knowleg" and "intellect"

I spelled it wrong? janet why the hell are you still here get out of my damn office! what do you mean, "its my moms basement"? are you insane woman?! THIS. IS. AN. OFFICE. oh your suing now. take your facts to court now will ya!

anyway gois the potatotassium is good for your body i thik, and also your boi vitamin c finna make you "c" better amirite he HA

also, plugging a potato into your router will give you faster inernet. proven fact. trus me i did it and as soon as we got a new router that internet was up from 0 to 10 gois

that starch allows to poteto to glow if you plug that boi in. all you needa do is plug that vege table into the outlet and BOOM! you outlet gonna flash with the light of a "star"ch he HA

shes still outside? why is she stil- oh yea i drove her here

anyways gois if you finna eat some potatos to get some fiber optic wifi into yo sistem you finna needa put some of that dank onion juice onto that firm potat. it livens up the party. in the next post im finna explain how to juice your onions without crying like a wuss

copywrite onion juice inc. no copy or get banned from real life i will find you  drive safe gois


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