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Showing posts from January, 2019

how to ctrl-z satan!

right so your boi kina lowky los his computer but i finally robbed aother best buy so here we go fam. famamaamam. i finally undersand how punctuation works! so i will be using it througout this educational post in order ford you to better understand the post,. did i just youse the word post twice in the same sentence? i need to work on my repetion next. LOL! am i hip eith the teens now?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? sorry if i seem a little off, i just deleted satan and god still hasnt given me a medal yet. I really want one. God, i know i might have sinned like 1... 2... several times, but that ain't important. i literally killed like the main villain from you're hit book. Whens the sequel coming out? i wanna be in it. Cant wait for bible 2.  anyways, from now on, perfect punctuation. 1 step closer to a mddle school edcation. anyways guys today i have a topic that is very important to me i feel as if we could all benefit